We went to a BBQ, and a friend with Celiac did three things amazingly

We are well into BBQ season, which can sometimes be tough at family and friends when there are hot dog and hamburger buns all over.  You just worry about cross contamination.

At the birthday BBQ, they were asking who was having what, I was wondering what Amanda was going to say, but instead a friend that has Celiac (and follower of this blog) that we recently met sprung into action.  It was great see the questions happen from at outside perspective. They did three things amazingly:
  1. Asked if the sausages were gluten free
  2. Politely ignored everyone else that started to chime in (and believe me it was hard for me to keep my mouth shut, but I did, because I knew I was watching a pro)
  3. Asked if theirs could be made first
Their approach was awesome, and would make anyone with Celiac proud. The master griller understood everything, was happy to help, and understood who he should be listening too.
