Just like me - celiac AND type 1 diabetes

** I am sharing a blog post from a fellow type 1 diabetic blogged (Kerri Morrone Sparling @sixuntilme). Today Kerri had posted a guest post written by another fellow type 1 diabetic (Alissa Carberry) who also has celiac disease - Just like me!

I am an avid reader of fellow type 1 diabetes related blogs, some might even call it verging on addiction, but that's a story for another time. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the attached guest blog by Alissa Carberry via Kerri from SixUntilMe:

I know there are many more of us out there who deal with celiac disease (and type 1 diabetes too) and yet each time I read or hear of others like myself who have to deal with this stuff I am so happy. I know that must sound ridiculous, but I am happy to hear that I am not alone. Happy to hear that there are other people out there who have the same frustrations and face the same challenges as I do.

I think it's easy to forget sometimes that we are not alone. It's easy to feel alone and to feel isolated even if surrounded by friends & loved ones. Isolated because we have to deal with different struggles and seem so massive at times.

I know for me, since we started writing our GlutenFreeEdmonton.com blog and my own blog reading "addiction" I have found that my feelings of isolation have significantly decreased. I have found others like myself, others who understand my daily struggles. Others who understand and can relate to seemingly odd questions like "do you have an eating disorder?" and so on.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone out there who reads our blog and thank you to everyone who shares their comments & ideas with us. Words cannot express our appreciation enough. Keep doing what you're doing and help us decrease fellow celiac's feelings of isolation.

Gluten Free Edmonton - A Celiac guide and resource for gluten free information in Edmonton, Alberta
