What every restaurant should know about going gluten free

I've been wanting to post this infographic that was presented by pizzamarketplace.com, fastcasual.com, qsrweb.com, Burke Fully Cooked Meats and the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness.  Now, yes this is all American stats, but it is all still quite relevant here in Canada as to why restaurant owners should begin accommodating the gluten free diet.

So from here on in, I am talking to the restaurant owners!  But the gluten free eaters can read on anyways.

You should be accommodating the gluten free diet.  The evidence is apparent that your restaurants can only benefit from it.  In Canada 1 out of every 100 people suffer from Celiac Disease.  But in a recent radio interview with the CBC, the Celiac Association Gluten Free Program said that 33% of people are eating gluten free.  Similar ratios below in this info graphic.

Gluten free food sales are estimated at $4.2 billion dollars.  That is a lot of gluten free food being sold!  People eating gluten free want to eat out too!  Some of those dollars can be towards your restaurant.

What shocked me in this info graphic was the 4% of chefs that answered the set of questions about the gluten free diet incorrectly.  Which is why the last part of this infographic is so important on how to start a gluten free program.  If you are unfamiliar with the gluten free diet, get some assistance from your local Celiac Association and learn more about preparing gluten free meals and where the hidden glutens are found.

Hope you enjoy this infographic, I stare at it every week wondering why!

Gluten Free Edmonton - A Celiac guide and resource for gluten free information in Edmonton, Alberta


  1. Ya I really liked that infographic too. I sat on it for a while before blogging about it. That last section about "How To" is really great tips for restaurants.

  2. It also depends on how many covers the restaurant is going to have and what type of tables, linen, cutlery, crockery and glasses you want. 


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